Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local MP Thanks Royal Mail Staff For Their Generosity

Local MP Thanks Royal Mail Staff For Their Generosity

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has thanked local Royal Mail staff for their generosity after the latest statistics showed the scale of their charitable contributions over the last twelve months.Last year, Royal Mail staff raised more than £500,000 through colleague fundraising campaigns for a variety of charities as well as £2.34mil for its 'Charity of the Year', Prostate Cancer UK. In North Swindon, the 1473 employees donated more than £25,000 to charity and gave fifteen days over to volun...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 22 January

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 22 January

One of the things that we hold most dear in this Country is our National Health Service. It was one of the key topics during last year’s General Election and I am proud that this Government has committed to invest £10 billion extra per year, as well as an extra £1.2 billion for GP services and a £5.3 billion Better Care Fund to help integrate health and social care locally. One of the local campaigns that I have been involved with, alongside Robert Buckland MP and Dr Peter Crouch, Chair of the C...

Justin Signs Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment

Justin Signs Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson signed the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment, in doing so pledging his commitment to Holocaust Memorial Day and honouring those who were murdered during the Holocaust as well as paying tribute to the extraordinary Holocaust survivors who work tirelessly to educate young people.Wednesday 27th January will mark the liberation of the Nazi concentration and death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, the site of the largest mass murder in history.In the weeks lead...

Justin Tomlinson Supports constituents Living With Cardiovascular Disease

Justin Tomlinson Supports constituents Living With Cardiovascular Disease

The North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has showed his support for heart patients and their families by joining the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and other cardiovascular organisations to hear how they are helping to save and improve the lives of the millions of people affected by cardiovascular disease in the UK. At an All Party Parliamentary Group event in Westminster, Justin met members of the Cardio and Vascular Coalition, as well as families who talked about their difficulties of living wi...

Local MPs Celebrate Latest Fall In Unemployment

Local MPs Celebrate Latest Fall In Unemployment

Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckland have welcomed new figures today showing 211,000 more people in work across the South West since Labour were last in power and a record level of employment across the UK as a whole – with over 2.3 million more people enjoying the security of a job than in 2010.In Swindon, the number of people claiming the Jobseeker's Allowance element of Universal Credit has fallen by 138 in the last month. It is therefore down by a staggering 3,024 or 62.7% – si...

North Swindon MP Praises Network Rail For Being On The Right Track

North Swindon MP Praises Network Rail For Being On The Right Track

Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon and Minister for Disabled People has praised Network Rail for hosting a national forum on the companies aim to support disability employment, carers and inclusive design for disabled passengers. The event started off with a talk from Justin on the Ministerial work that he is doing to halve the disability employment gap and to make venues (including train stations) accessible for disabled people.As part of his cross-governmental work Justin has worked very c...

Local MP Highlights The Importance Of Auto-Enrolment & Workplace Pensions

Local MP Highlights The Importance Of Auto-Enrolment & Workplace Pensions

Justin Tomlinson MP has attended The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) Swindon Friends of Automatic Enrolment meeting to talk about his experience as a local business owner and his transition into politics.Since the start of 2016, all small business owners are required to enrol their employees into the government backed pension scheme but many are finding the process difficult and confusing. However, the CIPP is helping regions up and down the country with its specialist group ...

Justin Joins The Celebrations As Swindon MS Society Marks 50 Years

Justin Joins The Celebrations As Swindon MS Society Marks 50 Years

Local MP and Minister for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson was guest of honour as the Swindon & District branch of the Multiple Sclerosis UK charity celebrated its 50th birthday at the Marriott Hotel this weekend.Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological condition which affects around 100,000 people in the UK. Most people are diagnosed between the ages of 20-40, but it can affect younger and older people too.The birthday bash started off with a 3-course meal, followed by a live band and an a...

Local MPs & Clinical Chair Join Forces To Secure Radiotherapy Centre & Major New Health Investment

Local MPs & Clinical Chair Join Forces To Secure Radiotherapy Centre & Major New Health Investment

Healthcare in Swindon has received a shot in the arm after NHS England announced that the proposed Radiotherapy Unit at the Great Western Hospital has finally been given the green light. And as doctors and patients across the town celebrated the news, healthcare bosses delivered more good news; announcing that Swindon’s overall long-term financial support was secure thanks to a major increase in funding.  The news comes after a sustained campaign by local MPs, Justin Tomlinson & Robert Buckl...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 15th January

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 15th January

Last week was the first week back in Parliament and I was proud to be given the responsibility of representing the Government at the dispatch box to spell out our continued aim to reform the welfare system so that it always pays more to be in work than out of work. In 2010 we inherited a welfare system on the brink of collapse. It wasn’t supporting people into work – in fact, it was doing exactly the opposite as the system provided little or no incentives alone to progress into work. Opportunity...