Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 7th November

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 7th November

Once again the nation is a sea of poppies ahead of Remembrance Day, as people pay tribute to the service personnel who have fought for our country in various conflicts throughout the centuries. On Sunday we will again gather to give thanks for those Swindon men and women who joined others from all over the country to fight for the liberty and security which we can often take for granted.This year is a particularly significant time to honour and remember our fallen soldiers as we mark the centena...

Justin Champions Tax Transparency Through New Annual Summaries

Justin Champions Tax Transparency Through New Annual Summaries

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the introduction of annual summaries which will show taxpayers for the first time exactly how the money they contributes through taxation is spent by Government.The summaries, sent to 24 million PAYE and self-employed taxpayers who have contributed income tax and national insurance in the last twelve months, will provide the first personalised breakdown of which areas the Government spends money.The proposal was initially brought forward in a Bill before Parliame...

Justin Highlights Positive Contribution Of Apprenticeships

Justin Highlights Positive Contribution Of Apprenticeships

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has pledged his support for the apprenticeships programme during an event in Parliament.The event, hosted by the Skills Funding Agency helped to explain the benefits apprenticeship can bring to a business, inspire employers about the breadth of the apprenticeship programme, including traineeships and higher apprenticeships and showcase high profile engaged employers to provide examples of apprenticeships in practice.Last year, 930 people started an apprentices...

North Swindon MP Calls On Schools To Back Money For Life Challenge

North Swindon MP Calls On Schools To Back Money For Life Challenge

Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon, is encouraging education and training organisations to back Lloyds Banking Group’s Money for Life Challenge, a national competition for 16–24 year olds.As financial education has recently become part of the national curriculum, a campaign led by Justin, the challenge is a complementary way for young people to learn vital money management skills, whilst helping to promote financial education in their community.The challenge is supported by Lloyds Banking Gr...

Local MP Lends Support To Apprenticeship Expansion Plans

Local MP Lends Support To Apprenticeship Expansion Plans

Justin Tomlinson MP has leant his to support to plans to expand the apprenticeship programme in the coming years, as he chaired a roundtable event hosted by the Association of Accounting Technicians.The AAT has conducted new research on the impact the apprenticeship programme has had. Its new report, ‘Apprenticeships for the Future’, examines how the apprenticeship programme can evolve to meet the future needs of the UK economy. It includes some interesting work on developing skills gaps and tar...

Justin Praises Vital Work Of Local Organisations To End Domestic Violence

Justin Praises Vital Work Of Local Organisations To End Domestic Violence

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has praised the work of Swindon’s Women’s Refuge and the town’s Victim Support team, during a speech in Parliament highlighting the problem of domestic violence and the work being done to end it.Whilst nationally the level of crime is falling, the impact of domestic violence remains a major issue. In Swindon there were 2459 cases reported to Wiltshire Police between April 2012 and March in 2013, yet it is estimated only 20% of cases were actually reported. Vic...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 31st October

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 31st October

This week in Parliament, MPs were given the opportunity to enrich democracy and enhance their accountability to their electorate. I am referring to the Recall Bill and the amendments that were put forward which saw a free vote on whether to implement ‘Real Recall.’The recall of MPs Bill would see voters given the power to recall MPs in-between elections. An MP would face a by-election if 10% of the electorate were to sign a petition that outlined a legitimate reason as to why their local represe...

Justin Hits The Back Of The Net During Football Manager Visit

Justin Hits The Back Of The Net During Football Manager Visit

Justin Tomlinson, the North Swindon MP and Parliamentary Private Secretary to Creative Media Min‎ister Ed Vaizey MP, has highlighted the vital contribution the video games industry makes during a visit to the Football Manager design studio.Football Manager sells more than a million copies each year and the company behind it, Sports Interactive, has grown massively over the past twenty years; from two coders in the United Kingdom, to a company with staff from countless countries and which trades ...

Local MP Joins The Duke of Kent As Swindon Dance Receives Royal Seal Of Approval

Local MP Joins The Duke of Kent As Swindon Dance Receives Royal Seal Of Approval

His Royal Highness, the Duke of Kent, received a royal welcome at Swindon Dance this week during a visit to the town. Local MP Justin Tomlinson was joined by the Mayor of Swindon and Artistic Director, Marie McCluskey, to welcome the Duke to The Old Town Hall in Regent Circus.Swindon Dance, a not-for-profit organisation, offers various youth and community-outreach programmes to people in Swindon who have a keen interest in dance.​ It serves people of all ages by offering classes in ballet, conte...

Justin Hosts Parliamentary Event To Build A Nation Of Lifesavers

Justin Hosts Parliamentary Event To Build A Nation Of Lifesavers

Local MP, Patron of the Swindon British Heart Foundation and Vice Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Heart Group, Justin Tomlinson, is urging people to join the campaign to dramatically increase the number of people trained in life-saving CPR and help create a Nation of Lifesavers.More than 30,000 people suffer an out of hospital cardiac arrest in the UK every year – 80% of which occur in the home, often in front of family members and loved ones. But fewer than one in ten people survive, partl...