Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Local MP Champions Local Beer Industry During Meeting With CAMRA

Local MP Champions Local Beer Industry During Meeting With CAMRA

Justin Tomlinson MP was happy to show his continued support to the Campaign for Real Ale when he recently met with the organisation. Formed in 1971, CAMRA is a voluntary organisation championing real ale, community pubs and consumer rights. CAMRA helped to lead the charge for against the Beer Duty Escalator, implemented by the previous Labour Government and scrapped by this Government, as well as persuading the Chancellor to not only cut beer duty once, but twice! Justin has been involved closel...

North Swindon MP Signs Up To Prostate Cancer UK's "Men United" Campaign

North Swindon MP Signs Up To Prostate Cancer UK's "Men United" Campaign

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has demonstrated his support to Prostate Cancer UK, the country's largest men's health charity, during a meeting with staff from the organisation.The charity aims to help more men survive Prostate Cancer whilst also helping the quality of life with those suffering from the disease. Through donations, funding and campaigns such as 'Movember', Prostate Cancer UK has invested £16.6 million in research alone in the last twelve months and hopes to able to go further next yea...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 3rd October

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 3rd October

On Wednesday I was in Birmingham to see the 2014 Conservative Party Conference come to a close with a table-thumping, personal and determined speech delivered by the Prime Minister.In his speech, the Prime Minister put the interests of hardworking people at the heart of his agenda. The message is that if you work hard and do the right thing, then you should keep more of your own money to spend as you wish.  In Swindon, many hardworking families will benefit from the tax cuts announced by the Pri...

Justin Completes Coffee Morning Crawl In Aid Of Macmillan

Justin Completes Coffee Morning Crawl In Aid Of Macmillan

Macmillan Cancer aimed to break its previous record for the world's biggest coffee morning, with the aim to raise money to help people living with cancer. Last year 154,000 coffee mornings were held across the UK, raising a staggering £20 million.Local MP Justin Tomlinson was keen to show his support to Macmillan and to the fantastic organisers who were holding coffee mornings across Swindon. He managed to visit a grand total of seven different coffee mornings which included trips to Bridlewood ...

Justin Celebrates With New College Students As They Complete National Citizen Service

Justin Celebrates With New College Students As They Complete National Citizen Service

Justin Tomlinson MP was on duty to hand out certificates to students of New College Swindon who had completed their National Citizen Service.The National Citizen Service (NCS) is a Government funded programme which offers a three week course to 16 & 17 year olds who are seeking to develop their skills. The programme consists of a range of activities including outdoor sports, drama and music. Students also get the opportunity to create a community project which urges them to get involved and ...

North Swindon MP Celebrates Six Years Of Success For Inner Flame

North Swindon MP Celebrates Six Years Of Success For Inner Flame

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, joined Inner Flame to celebrate its six year birthday at their recent inspiration and business networking event.Inner Flame helps 16-25 year old jobseekers to build confidence and recognise their potential. They offer a four-day course to young people to enhance their skills, establish personal goals and assist with making positive choices for their future.Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I have been a supporter of Inner Flame for a while now and have met many of the young ...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 26th September

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 26th September

Like many MP's I enjoy Parliamentary recess. But be assured this is not because we get to put our feet up. No, recess for me is an opportunity to call on local residents and visit local schools, charities, businesses and other organisations here in Swindon. Although I get to do this anyway, not being in parliament means I am able to do this every day of the week. As your MP I believe it's extremely important to make myself available to the local community I represent.But sometimes during a reces...

Vital Defibrillator Now Available To Residents in Abbey Meads

Vital Defibrillator Now Available To Residents in Abbey Meads

Justin Tomlinson MP was joined by local Haydon Wick Councillor Oliver Donachie, Chair of Haydon Wick Parish Council John Stooke and a representative from British Land at Catherine Wayte Primary School yesterday to launch their new community defibrillator.As a patron of the Swindon British Heart Foundation, Justin has campaigned in parliament for more defibrillator's stationed across local communities as well as for the inclusion of emergency life saving skills in our national curriculum. A defib...

Swindon MPs & Leader Of The Council Join Forces To Meet Local Businesses

Swindon MPs & Leader Of The Council Join Forces To Meet Local Businesses

Swindon MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland visited the latest Business West Initiative in Swindon, which was an open forum held at Honda in South Marston.Business representatives listened to the latest business and economic news from both MPs and Cllr David Renard, Leader of Swindon Borough Council. They gave an update on key issues in Swindon including the Swindon and Wiltshire LEP and the new University Technical College.Questions regarding growth and economic development were put by mem...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 19th September

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 19th September

As you read this our United Kingdom will either have remained the same, or we will be saying farewell to our Scottish neighbours. I sincerely hope for the sake of our great and historic union - which has fought two world wars together - that Scotland has voted no and that we remain united.I am writing this week's column the day before polling day and it is quite literally too close to call. Even Mr Murdoch's Scottish Sun newspaper has failed to choose a side to support as public opinion remains ...