Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Backs Swindon's High Street Businesses

Justin Backs Swindon's High Street Businesses

Justin Tomlinson MP joined local businessman, Leslie Hatcher, to discuss Swindon’s town centre regeneration and the Government’s record on small business as part of Channel 4’s “Pop-up News”. As part of its new “Pop-up News” feature, Channel 4 visited Swindon to see how the town is recovering after the economic downturn and what the future has in store for local residents. Justin, a former local business owner himself, highlighted that the High Street was still an integral part of any town’s eco...

Justin Tomlinson MP & McDonalds Back Swindon Rangers For New Season

Justin Tomlinson MP & McDonalds Back Swindon Rangers For New Season

Local football club Swindon Rangers FC have been given a helping hand by McDonald’s franchisee Paul Booth, who provided the team with brand new goal posts following the news in the Swindon Advertiser that the local team had their goal posts stolen, mid-season. Paul, who owns five restaurants in Swindon, has stepped in to support the local team get back on track after the teams goals posts were stolen, meaning the side missed out out on vital training sessions. The local businessman wanted to sho...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 16th August 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 16th August 2013

As an MP you can never quite fully plan your week.  Last Thursday, like most residents I heard of proposed plans for a biomass plant on the Cheney Manor Industrial Estate.  Rodbourne Cheney Councillor Des Moffatt quickly organised for an urgent meeting to spread the word, a campaign group was formed and local residents were mobilised ahead of Tuesday’s Swindon Borough Council planning meeting.  As a local resident myself, my concerns were two fold.  Firstly, the lack of public consultation, espe...

Justin Shares Experiences With New Local Business Owners

Justin Shares Experiences With New Local Business Owners

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has joined Swindon Outset to meet with local residents who are starting their own business, and share his experiences as a former business owner. Justin discussed the challenges he faced when setting up a business and highlighted how changes since the Coalition came to power have made making the move far easier. The group discussed how new start-up businesses in Swindon and further afield, are continuing to provide the jobs and growth that have allowed the town to pro...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 9th August 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 9th August 2013

This summer, across Swindon, hundreds of young people aged 16-17 will take part in the National Citizen Service.  Some in politics choose to sit and criticise our young people or criticise the lack of opportunities for today's youngsters.  We choose to act to give young people a chance to build their CVs and improve their prospects. NCS is a scheme that was the personal project of Prime Minister David Cameron. The idea was a summer scheme to help young people build skills for work and life, whil...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Taiwanese Ambassador To Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Taiwanese Ambassador To Swindon

  Thanks to an offer from the government of Taiwan to North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, with assistance from Swindon based charity Lights for Learning and Swindon Link magazine, hundreds of young people and teachers in several African countries will have light to return home after school. The ambassador of Taiwan Dr Lynshen Shen visited Swindon on 29 July to present 200 hand held solar powered lighting units carrying the flags of Taiwan and the United Kingdom and the words 'Love from Taiwan' to...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 2nd August 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 2nd August 2013

'Politics' means different things to different people.  Some will think of our local town, bin collections, our excellent local schools and our lovely parks.  Others will think of the global forces that govern world trade, emerging economies like China and Brazil and world conflicts. Yet the two need not be so far apart.  Take Taiwan for example.  Its economy is growing fast, it is already half the size of the UK's, and it is a key strategic gateway to the lucrative Chinese market with $118.6 bi...

Time Banks Come to Penhill and Taw Hill

Time Banks Come to Penhill and Taw Hill

Residents in Penhill and Taw Hill will now be able to turn their spare time into shared time following the launch of Swindon's first Time Banks.   Good at gardening but need help to shorten some curtains?  Through your local Time Bank you can swap your gardening skills for someone else's sewing skills and maybe make some new friends along the way.  Like any other bank, the Time Banks take deposits and allow withdrawals, but unlike ordinary banks, the currency is time not money.  Bank members dep...

Justin Proudly Presents Medal to Arctic Convoy Veteran

Justin Proudly Presents Medal to Arctic Convoy Veteran

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has spoken of his pride and admiration for our armed forces, after he presented a Second World War veteran with a campaign medal, almost seventy years after combat operations ceased in the conflict. Brave Ron Weller, a veteran of the Arctic Convoys, was proudly presented with his medal by his locals MPs, Cllr. David Renard and Mayor of Swindon, Cllr. Nick Martin. Veterans of the perilous Convoys, a number of whom were from Wiltshire, kept troops and vital supplies mov...

Justin Calls On Local Groups To Help Find North Swindon's "Digital Hero"

Justin Calls On Local Groups To Help Find North Swindon's "Digital Hero"

Justin Tomlinson MP is calling for local groups to enter the TalkTalk Digital Heroes Awards 2013, a unique competition that recognises and rewards people who are using technology to help their communities. The awards, now in their sixth year, have provided funding and support to 62 organisations across Britain, including various charities which have used technology to help children and youth, the homeless and people with disabilities. The awards, run in partnership with the Daily Mirror and char...