Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Justin Marks Human Trafficking Exhibition In Parliament

Justin Marks Human Trafficking Exhibition In Parliament

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited the Human Trafficking Exhibition in Parliament. Justin attended one of the most dramatic and distressing exhibitions ever promoted in the House of Commons highlighting the hidden nature of Modern Day Slavery.  The exhibition showed the four different kinds of slavery hidden away in our society.  Curtains, doors, drawers and tea chests concealed the stories and photographs of survivors.  The survivors who shared their stories with the Human Trafficking Foundation...

Justin Joins Dragon Panel To Judge Swindon College Businesses

Justin Joins Dragon Panel To Judge Swindon College Businesses

Justin Tomlinson MP joined Swindon College principal Andrew Miller and the College's finance team to judge students' business plans in a 'Dragon's Den' style event.The students were taking part in the first round of the Barclays Money Skills competition that challenges the teams of students to come up with a business idea and pitch it to judges. The top three teams are then put through as the College's representatives in further rounds with the grand finale taking place in London.The judges saw ...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 19th April 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 19th April 2013

At the heart of a fair society is a fair tax system:  a tax system that rewards hard work and ambition; a tax system where the wealthiest contribute more; a tax system where work always pays.  This is the tax system we are building. In our tax changes, redistribution from top to bottom is underway.  This year, the average rate of tax paid by the wealthiest has increased, whilst for those on middle to low incomes it has gone down.  This is right. Under this Government, the top 1% of earners will ...

Swindon Academy Choose Their Head Boy And Head Girl

Swindon Academy Choose Their Head Boy And Head Girl

Justin with (L to R) Yixin, Ricky, Melissa and Ross Justin Tomlinson MP joined students from Swindon Academy to announce the school's new Head Boy, Head Girl and their Deputies. The four finalists had been campaigning furiously, with the school full of their posters and banners detailing what they would like to do for the school if elected.  Every student in the school had the chance to cast their vote and Justin was called in to reveal the result. Ross Thorburn was elected Head Boy with 836 vot...

Justin Tomlinson MP Promotes Grassroots Football

Justin Tomlinson MP Promotes Grassroots Football

Justin Tomlinson MP from North Swindon recently collected a set of new footballs and equipment from McDonald's Director of Football, Sir Geoff Hurst, and local McDonald's Franchisee Paul Booth at the House of Commons. Justin will be donating the set of footballs, cones, passing arches and discs to a local school team.The equipment was donated to Justin Tomlinson MP by 1966 World Cup hero Sir Geoff Hurst at the launch of the McDonald's Ten Years of Teamwork report – commissioned in association wi...

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 12th April 2013 - A Tribute To Baroness Thatcher

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 12th April 2013 - A Tribute To Baroness Thatcher

'It doesn't matter where you are from, only where you are going'. How right Mrs Thatcher was, and how right she still is.Her simple philosophy of the triumph of ambition and hard work is one that still resonates. The idea that anyone can achieve everything in life through a combination of hard work and sheer determination remains at the very heart of the free society she created. When the newly-elected Tony Blair declared his priorities to be 'education, education, education', it was Thatcher's ...

Justin Tomlinson MP Sees Future Of Our Plastic Waste

Justin Tomlinson MP Sees Future Of Our Plastic Waste

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited a brand new hi-tech company that has just arrived in Swindon. "Recycling Technologies" is a manufacturer of energy-from-waste equipment, capable of generating electricity from mixed plastic waste. The company was spun out of the University of Warwick in 2011, with assistance from Warwick Ventures Ltd, the University's research commercialisation company. Now they have just opened their first design, testing and manufacturing plant in Swindon. There they will manu...

MP Joins ASDA Customers For Consumer Listening Group

MP Joins ASDA Customers For Consumer Listening Group

Justin Tomlinson MP joined ASDA customers from across Swindon at an instore listening event at the ASDA Haydon End. The listening group was a chance for local shoppers to voice their thoughts and experiences of the store and also for Justin to hear their views on the minimum pricing of alcohol. Over tea and biscuits, Justin talked with the residents about a number of issues, from voter registration through to childhood obesity.  Justin said "This is a really great listening event organised by AS...

Honda Taskforce Update

Honda Taskforce Update

Justin Tomlinson MP today joined representatives from the local business community, Forward Swindon, the local Job Centre, Honda and Swindon College for the third Honda Task Force meeting to discuss the support available to those affected by the recent redundancy announcement at Honda. Today’s meeting focused on the support already in place and the plans for the future as the redundancy date approaches. All of the Honda staff affected, agreeing to take voluntary redundancy, have had access to CV...

Justin Pays Tribute To Baroness Thatcher

Justin Pays Tribute To Baroness Thatcher

It was with great sadness that I heard yesterday of the death of Margaret Thatcher. To say that she was thoroughly inspirational is an understatement.  At a time when Britain was seen as the sick man of Europe, she took us by the scruff of the neck and put us on a path to prosperity and greatness. Her vision of Britain was one of aspiration and opportunity, one where it didn't matter where you came from, only where you were going.  I think it a fitting tribute that the Conservatives are still to...