Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon



Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 18th January 2013

Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article - 18th January 2013

Last Friday’s news that Honda are to make 800 associates redundant at their Swindon plant was extremely disappointing.  It was only in April that we were welcoming the 500 new jobs created in preparation for the recovery of the car market in Europe.  Sadly, this recovery simply hasn't come.  Whilst Honda's car sales in the UK have been extremely strong – up 7.2% last year against the 5% industry average – the European market has fallen off a cliff face.  Sales in Italy are down 20% and in Greece...

Swindon MP Creates A Buzz Around Bee Decline

Swindon MP Creates A Buzz Around Bee Decline

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson joined a giant bumble bee and campaigners from the environment charity Friends of the Earth to draw attention to the alarming decline in UK bee numbers. Justin Tomlinson was one of more than 125 MPs to show their support for Britain’s threatened bees. Last year Friends of the Earth launched its Bee Cause campaign, which has been backed by more than 80,000 people and calls for the Government to urgently to introduce a National Bee Action Plan aimed at saving our ...

Justin Backs Bill To Give Supermarket Shoppers A Fairer Deal

Justin Backs Bill To Give Supermarket Shoppers A Fairer Deal

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson yesterday co-sponsored a Parliamentary Bill that would require supermarkets to release pricing data product by product and store by store. Price data is already publicly available, but the Bill would ensure that this information is presented in one standardised form and would be easily accessible in consumer-friendly apps. The Supermarket Pricing Information Bill was introduced by John Denham MP and aims to achieve instant online access to supermarket prices. Th...

North Swindon MP Offers Help To Those Affected By Honda Job Losses

North Swindon MP Offers Help To Those Affected By Honda Job Losses

I am extremely disappointed to hear the news that Honda are to make 800 people redundant at their Swindon Plant.  This is in effect a reversal of the good news we had in April of the 500 additional jobs in preparation for a recovery of the car market in Europe. Sadly, this recovery simply hasn't come.  Whilst Honda's car sales in the UK have been extremely strong – up 7.2% last year against the 5% industry average – the European market has fallen off a cliff face.  Sales in Italy are down 20% an...

Swindon MPs Welcome Start Of Swindon-Kemble Rail Works

Swindon MPs Welcome Start Of Swindon-Kemble Rail Works

Justin looking at the planned upgrades Swindon's two MPs, Justin Tomlinson (North) and Robert Buckland (South) this week welcomed the start of work on the long-awaited redoubling of the Great Western railway line between Kemble and Swindon. It will improve the frequency and reliability of trains using the route. An event was held on Friday to mark the start of the earthworks at Kemble Station in Gloucestershire. Justin Tomlinson MP said "This is significant investment in our local infrastructure...

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins Upper Stratton Coffee Morning

Justin Tomlinson MP Joins Upper Stratton Coffee Morning

Justin Tomlinson MP joined fellow local residents at the Upper Stratton Coffee Morning, held at the Upper Stratton Library.  The event, held just before Christmas, saw the library staff serve homemade cake and tea to the library's regulars.  Justin took the opportunity to chat with local residents and also get a couple of books out to read over Christmas. Also based at the Library is the Stratton Advice Point, that provides support and advice to local residents on a wide range of issues.  Justin...

Justin Tomlinson MP Secures Intel Donation For Local Museum

Justin Tomlinson MP Secures Intel Donation For Local Museum

THE Museum of Computing in Swindon has received a £3,500 donation from IT giant Intel. This is the second time the global microprocessor company, which has an office in Pipers Way, Swindon, has donated cash to the museum, after being approached by MP Justin Tomlinson, who has long been a supporter of the museum, in Theatre Square. The money will help with running costs and programmes developed to teach children about the history of computing. Mr Tomlinson, the Swindon North MP, said: “The facili...

Spectator Article On Childhood Obesity

Spectator Article On Childhood Obesity

Whilst I have been a vocal supporter in Parliament of the need to tackle childhood obesity, I am by no means a shining example.  My childhood was fuelled by sugar and E numbers that had me running around convinced that one day I would be a professional cricketer, or the next Gary Lineker, inspired by whatever sport happened to be on the telly.  The year was 1986 and politicians hadn’t given a second thought to Frosties. Listening to Andy Burnham this weekend (over my bowl of Frosties), it occurr...

10/01/13 - Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article

10/01/13 - Swindon Advertiser Weekly Article

In 2012, this country spent £207 billion on welfare.  That is £207,000,000,000.  To put this in context, imagine every hospital, every GP surgery, every operation, every appointment and every patient.  Add to this our armed forces, the soldiers, the tanks, the aircraft carriers.  Now imagine every police officer working hard every day to keep our streets safe.  If you add all this together, you are still short of what we spend on welfare.  Imagine every school, university, college and teacher, d...

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Start Up Loan Boost For Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Start Up Loan Boost For Swindon

Today the Government has announced a £30 million boost to Start-Up Loans to create thousands of new businesses and help young people find jobs in Swindon.   The Prime Minister’s announcement brings the total pot for Start-Up Loans to more than £110 million over the next three years and will see the age range extended to 30 years old, enabling more people to take advantage of this fund.  The funding comes in conjunction with free business advice from mentors, crucial to those taking their first s...